When dedicate web host try to help their client by managing the website then this is called as managed web hosting.
This type of managed web hosting is choose by those companies which do not have their own IT resources or can't give much time to it.
Now we can see lots of advantageous by using the managed web hosting so most of the companies in today's age or time use managed web hosing service for their website.
Some of the major advantages gained by using managed web hosting are
1)By giving authority to the those people,your company can save lots of time and money.And the main thing is they can totally focus on their business and not to worry about web hosting.
2)managed web hosting provider gives all the necessary tools that are needed to the website and helps to keep the good space.
3)Managed web hosting as the server give relevant backups and restoration that help to their clients if required with additional servers and drives.
4)if there occurs any defect in the hardware then they immediately replace it with the new one.
5)Managed web hosting provider have many specialized engineer for resolving all kinds of issues and bugs found around the web host server.