Sunday, September 6, 2009
Guides of web hosting to new user
Web hosting can be simply defined as the internet service given to the customers whether it is given to the individual or to the company.It helps to create the space in the internet.usually in this type of service the customer give their files to the web hosting companies and they will make the data which will be recorded and any customer or person who need the information about that subject can easily get the information through that service.
They are mainly two types of web hosting.They are free web hosting and paid web hosting.Free web hosting is that type of hosting which dont charge any money.It is useful to those who are new user.They will have a certain space in internet.And talking about paid web hosting,you need to pay certain money for the service.In small companies it will help to make it large.There are also many paid web hosting companies.
There is free email service given by the company to the customer which is quite different from the email service provided by yahoo and hotmail.for examole it you have the website then you can simply downloads@sports .com.Not only this another important service it gives is bandwidth,which helps to share the information.
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